Referring Doctors

Dawson Endodontics

To our referring doctors, Dr. Elias Haddad and Dr. Navid Akbar thanks you for trusting us with your patients. We understand you have a choice when it comes to referring your valuable patients and Dawson Endodontics in Dawsonville, GA couldn't be more thankful for your referral.  

Hassle Free Referral: Fill in the form below and we will take it from there!

OptionalDoctor Referral Form - Please download or print and return to our office.

Paper Referral Slips: If your practice would like to request a stack of paper referral slips, please click here and complete your practice and mailing address information.

Referral Portal Login: We are proud to offer our valuable referrals their very own Referral Portal.  There you will find a real-time list of all patients you have ever referred to our practice along with their appointment status/history (scheduled, mid-treatment or completed), x-rays, clinical images, treatment reports, prescription history and much more. Please note, regardless of whether you utilize this Referral Portal, treatment reports will always be sent to your office in the delivery method of your choosing. 

Patient Referral

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